ruth bisping
leeratelier hawerkamp

the fascination of painting -
the beauty in the everyday
course 25./26.03.2023
at hawerkamp 31, münster - leeratelier
an opportunity to discover, experiment, develop, and deepen.
often, it is the small things in everyday life that present themselves as rewarding objects for artistic work.
the joy of experimenting with colors, shapes, surfaces, signs, and various materials is the focus of the weekend course.
we will work with everyday objects brought by the participants. these can be items like objects, found pieces, plants/vegetables/fruits, etc., but also sounds, color tones, moods, imaginations, or photos of portraits, landscapes, etc.
these will be rendered realistically, expressively, or abstractly.
saturday from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm & 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
sunday from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm & 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
additional materials:
for substrates, cardboard, canvas, painting or drawing paper
water containers, brushes, cloth or paper
reflections on dealing with time
from 07. - 08. june 2022
against the backdrop of an increasingly fast-paced society where time seems to be in short supply and few people have enough of it, this cultural learning workshop focuses on sensitizing participants to the use of time and providing a space to pause.
time as an existential basis for life – what does time mean to me, how do i perceive time, do i live in the present, do i live my rhythm, do i allow myself to dream, what do i make time for and what not?
taking time to discover, perceive, and creatively implement inner and outer spaces.
the focus is on the artistic design process using various materials and media such as painting, drawing, objects, installation, collage, text, movement, video, music, etc.
learning objective:
strengthening perception and creativity skills as well as one's own artistic expression
Experimente zwischen Illusion und Wirklichkeit
vom 08. - 09. Oktober 2022
Wahrnehmung und ihr Einfluß auf unsere Darstellung von Wirklichkeit (in Anlehnung an Platons Höhlengleichnis)
the increasing orientation towards media worlds has certainly brought about entirely new perception possibilities on the one hand, but on the other hand, it has also resulted in a sustainable change in perception, by making reality a space dictated to a large extent by the media, thus condensing into a new reality. in the allegory of the cave (which is the starting point of the cultural learning workshop), plato expresses his distrust of the images of reality by making the shadows on the wall appear more real to the cave dwellers than reality itself. in this sense, the shadow represents the illusion that the cave dwellers believe to be reality. shadows as a metaphor for deception and manipulation. in our postmodern media information world, plato's allegory is of immense relevance.
in this cultural learning workshop, the phenomenon of shadow is considered as its own reality (perceiving, understanding, and creating shadows). intense observation of shadows connects us with fantasies, assumptions, associations, and prior knowledge.
just as light symbolizes the enlightenment of the mind, its "illumination," the shadow symbolizes the unconscious, the hidden sides of the psyche. by merely empathizing with shadows, by merely tracing a silhouette, we approach the prehistory of art, cave painting.
the focus is on shadow projections, painting/drawing, objects, video, and texts (by plato, enzenberger, bachmann, etc.)
learning objective:
strengthening perception and creativity skills as well as one's own artistic expression.
intercultural education projects
Im Labyrinth der Fremde - Leben in der Fremde
Völkerwanderung im 21. Jhd.
Sensibilisierung und Auseinandersetzung mit ethischen Grundwerten zivilsatorischer Errungenschaften wie: Humanität, Gerechtigkeit, Toleranz, Freiheit, Gleichheit und Solidarität. Durch das Erspüren von Grunderfahrungen menschlicher Existenz wie Angst, Verletzbarkeit, Fremdheit, Hoffnung, Isolation, das Entdecken von Grenzen, das Scheitern etc. soll eine differenzierte Wahrnehmungsebene zum Fremden , auch zu eigener Fremdheit geschaffen werden.
2010 in Kooperation mit Mobim Münster Villa ten Hompel