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art in extraordinary places

in picturesque Flavigny/Burgundy - filming location of "Chocolat"

workshops since 2004

summer workshop I

the fascination of painting

painting - dialogue with color from 10.07. - 15.07.2023

arrival 09.07. - departure 16.07.2023

painting is full of surprises, fascinating, and inspiring. the joy of experimenting, the conscious perception of moods and random phenomena lead to new, creative forms of expression in an open design process. 


the focus is on the basics and deepening of experimental painting and artistic design with colors, shapes, surfaces, structures, and various materials. composition, light and shadow, visual perception, paths to abstraction, but also realistic implementation will be discussed depending on interests. we mainly work with acrylic paints, but oil (odorless) or watercolor are also possible. 


at the beginning of the working processes, we take time for silence and mindfulness. texts or pieces of music can also accompany us. sketching on-site can also be incorporated into the work.


quote from emil schumacher:

“i approach the painting directly, and each time it leads to an encounter between the material and myself. often, i let it have its way, because i have learned that it is wiser than all calculations. craftsmanship, technique, and excitement are one. the colors seize the forms, the signs demand color – by letting myself be carried away, i find my painting.”

works from previous workshops


summer workshop II objects/material paintings

from paper, wire/iron, and found objects


from 24.07. - 29.07.2023

arrival 23.07. - departure 30.07.2023

creating three-dimensional objects, being inspired by found objects, and combining different materials into new objects is the focus of this week. at the beginning of the workshop, we will visit various places in flavigny and the surrounding area. we will collect things that we encounter and that inspire us to create. the collected objects, or those already brought from germany, will then be worked on with various tools and possibly combined with other materials. the objects can also be painted.

contrasts such as lightness and heaviness, emptiness and fullness, strangeness and familiarity, etc. accompany our working processes. at the beginning of the working processes, we take time for silence and mindfulness. texts or pieces of music can also accompany us.

for the first time, there will be an introduction to stone carving for those interested.

works from previous workshops objects/material paintings



Falls ihr Interesse geweckt ist, erfahren Sie hier alles weitere über die Anmeldung und Rahmenbedingung der Kurse!

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